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Let's fall in LOVE. Who doesn't love being in love? Today's blog is all about Fosterweld buckle love. There truly is nothing more exciting then getting a new hand made belt buckle, and wearing it with your favorite pair of jeans. Or for you ladies out there, your skinny jeans. I can remember the first time I ever wore a belt buckle. In all honesty I did not even know how to put a belt buckle on. After my pride had been bruised, I came to an understanding why people love belt buckles.
Here are some reasons:
1. Belt buckles are the perfect hand made accessory to draw the "OOOHHS"and "AAAAHHHS" from friends, family, and of course strangers, which you may or may not want to be looking.
2. Belt buckles made from metal, already distressed, only getting better the more times you wear them.
3. Belt buckles are like wearing pieces of art, that travel with you, that you can change anytime.
4. Belt buckles are a classic, that will never die.
5. Above belt buckles allow you to express, whether that be your style, your mood, or your weird personality, you can't express any other way.
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